(Orhtophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase (acid optimum); EC
Acid phosphatase is a general term associated with non-specific phosphomonoesterases with optimum activity in the pH range of 4-6. Following is an example of a reaction catalyzed by acid phosphatase:
Orthophosphoric monoester + H2O Alcohol + H3PO4
Acid phosphatase is widely distributed in nature in plants, animals and microorganisms. Potatoes, wheat germ,
milk and bovine prostate gland are generally used as sources for commercial quantities of this enzyme. One of the most
concentrated sources of acid phosphatase is the human prostate gland. Clinically, serum acid phosphatase levels are
used for diagnosis of prostatic cancer (Kent, J.R., Hill, M. and Bischoff, A. Cancer, 25, 858, 1970).