(Linoleate:oxygen oxidoreductase; EC )
Lipoxidase catalyzes the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty
acids containing cis,cis-1,4-pentadiene systems to form
hydroperoxides. The degradation of the hydroperoxide by the
lipoxidase seems to prevent the breakdown of amino acids and
proteins which are associated with an odorous carbyl compound
which produces the beany flavor found in many legumes (Truong
Van Den & Evelyn Mae T. Mendoza, J. Agr. Food Chem, 30, 54,
Lipoxidase is widely distributed, especially concentrated in
the legumes. Soybeans have been found to have the highest
concentrations (Scott, D. In "Enzymes in Food Processing";
Reed, G., Ed.; Acedemic Press: New York, 1975, pp. 219-254)
while isoenzymes have been reported in cowpeas (Turong, et
al., Bull. Philipp. Biochem Soc., 2, 1, 1979).